The amalgamation of these various factors leads to so many downloading the BSL shaders. In addition, better shadow and light effects contribute to a special atmosphere, especially noticeable in sunlight or torch-lit areas. Additionally, the shader incorporates an anti-aliasing effect, making the blocks look smoother. These things alone are the hallmarks of an excellent Minecraft shader. But don’t worry! For those with lower-end hardware, the low and medium profiles still deliver fantastic graphics with high FPS, so all players can use BSL! BSL Shaders Featuresīasic features such as more realistic water are naturally included, and even the appearance of clouds can be customized. With the ultra profile, we’ve cranked up all the astounding features, but we do have to admit, it demands a high-end graphics card to run smoothly. The pack offers four pre-built profiles to choose from: low, medium, high, and ultra. Now, before we write about the wonders of BSL shaders, let’s talk about the presets. And guess what? It’s not just for the pros, anyone, including you, can use it and be amazed! With more than ten development versions already released, each update refines the shading further. Developed by CaptTatsu all the way from Indonesia, he has been working tirelessly on the BSL shaders for Minecraft since 2015 to create one of the absolute best shader packs in the Minecraft world.